When Movement Principles truly come alive in your body, you become more alive in your life.
We know that pilates affects overall health and wellness.
We know that results-oriented clients appreciate intelligent movement.
Being able to target your client's unique style and the reactions in their body could just be exactly what your clients have been after …without even knowing It.
What if you could be the difference maker in their ability to live with less stress, and more fulfillment.
Hitting the mark, without hitting the wall.
Help your clients achieve what’s important, while still having the energy and time for the important people in their lives.
You can easily and dramatically improve your client’s stress management capacity, and their capacity for dealing with challenges, through how you apply Movement Principles.
Cut to the chase helping your clients achieve what they truly want in life through how you design programs and classes based on movement principles.
What if they could stop feeling down on themselves for not making the habit changes that they know would fuel the life change that they are hungry for?
What if they could step up for themselves? Or finally allow the life balance they yearn for?
Simply adding this nervous system layer to How you teach an exercise, and Which exercises you choose, can boost client self-confidence and self-empowerment.
The fear that keeps us from realizing goals shows up in posture, how we move, ...or don’t move forward.
A small shift in how you’ve already been teaching can have profound effects.
Your clients will enjoy exponentially improved results. The kind of results that have them excitedly sharing their successes that end up becoming client referrals… and greater positive impact that you have contribute to.
Neuroscience + Sensory System + Pilates = Transformational Life Change
Movement Principles can be the springboard to handling the changes and challenges of the day so clients show up with others as their most impactful self.
Simply take the exercises you know, and add the How to how they can be performed.
Stress Management
Inner Leadership
Better Results
Right brain cultivation for Clarity, Broadened Perspective, Intuition, Instinct, Insight and more
Embodied Leadership - Embodied Presence
The added bonus?...
How is it that horses "read the room"?
Your energetic presence walks into a room before you do. What is yours saying? What if you could stay aligned with Self, adapting to people and situations in real time, showing up in a way that you defuse defensiveness, bring about collaboration - all while being respected and acknowledged for your command of relational dynamics?
Movement Principles may be the starting point for a pilates instructor, but they are The solution for adaptable embodied presence that meets people in just the right way.
What do you appreciate about pilates? Where would you like to take it?
Wherever your focus is - as a traditionalist, as a contemporary instructor, as a movement maverick looking to stay at the cutting edge of the field, pilates provides a purposeful profession as well as a powerful addition to services you already provide. We all have a body, a mind, a nervous system. So, wherever along the spectrum of instruction you find yourself, the anatomy and nervous system are constants.
What if your pilates instruction helped your clients release stress for good instead of just manage it? What if your Pilates instruction helped people be more of who they are when at their best, instead of who they are when they are stressed?
How fulfilling could their relationships be then?
How much more respected and appreciated could they be at work?
Imagine finishing teaching with energy to spare because you handle the personalities and busyness of the day with the centeredness and vitality your body knows from being a student in a session yourself? Rhythmicality and Flow aren’t just for your clients. Engaging your body and brain in innovative, integrative ways while you are teaching wires the somatosensory and autonomic systems to optimize the past, be in the present, and chart your fulfilling future. Let's Connect!